Aragorn, Strider, Ranger, and Maseeh of the Earth

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J.R.R Tolkien uses the literal meaning of the Arabic title of Jesus, The Maseeh (Messiah), as the name of his Jesus/Aragorn.


In this scene from the movie ” The Lord of the Rings – The Fellowship of the Ring ” Frodo first encounters Strider, the Ranger/Aragorn.

Frodo: [takes Butterbur aside] “Excuse me, that man in the corner, who is he?”

Butterbur: “He’s one of them rangers. Dangerous folk they are — wandering the wilds. What his right name is I’ve never heard, but around here, he’s known as Strider..”

The Meaning of the word Maseeh.

In Arabic one of the literal meanings of the word  مسيح Maseeh ( Messiah) is one who travels the Earth. Or one who journeys through the earth.  In other words: a Ranger (one who ranges) or a Strider (one who takes strides/walks and travels about). as Tolkien names Aragorn/Muslim Jesus in his Lord Of The Rings cycle. Ranger/Strider literally translated as Maseeh in Arabic.

And about as blatant as the sun in the clear midday blue sky, the Tolkien Jesus is repeatedly called by the Quranic and Arabic name of Maseeh, which is derived from Arabic triliteral root: M-S-H, as in “مسح الارض” : that is : to travel the earth.

(See Lane’s Lexicon –  Click on the letter Mem (م )  on the left hand menu, then click  on the next side menu the letters ( مسح ) it will take you to page 2014, use prev page to see page 2013, and next page to see 2015.  It lists all of the meanings for this root, one of which is a traveler one who takes a journey. )

Similar to The Muslim Jesus, the Tolkien Jesus, Aragorn, lived with Angels/Elves in Heaven/Rivendell for a while, before he returned to Middle Earth/Middle East to help Frodo/Mahdi accomplish the Divine Plan and establish Justice For All.

Aragorn as the Muslim Jesus has never died before, let alone been crucified, which why so many Christians shy away from comparing Aragon to the Christian Jesus.

Because of this many Christians simply cannot see the blindingly obvious symbolism Tolkien uses in Lord of the Rings to establish Aragorn as a Messianic character. Christians simply cannot see the Jesus-nature of Aragorn because they are looking for the wrong thing. Aragorn exactly fits the Muslim Quranic depiction of Jesus, however.