Isildur/Solomon, both ring-bearers. Elendil/David, Sauron/Goliath.

Tolkien makes King Isildur son of Elendil represent Solomon son of David, as reflected in Islamic lore and sources, not Judaic. Both kings were of High, Elf/Angel protected (Prophetic) lineages and bore Rings of Power over the world of man and the wraith-like world of sorcery and subterfuge. In the Elendil/Isildur part of Tolkien’s cycle Sauron represents Goliath as an aspect of Dajjal.


Tolkien uses various characters to represent different aspects of Shaytan as Iblis (the Devil) the Satan of the unseen world of sorcery and jinn, and in other places the Dajjal/the antichrist deceiver of the human realm.


uses Isildur Elendil’s son and the of Power cut from Sauron’s hand to represent Solomon David’s and his ring-seal of power. In Biblical lore it gave him power over demons. The ‘s says he had power over both the world of man and the world of Satan’s sorcery.


In ‘s story Elendil represents David. He had great power and a kingdom but ultimately lost the battle with /Satan and was martyred in battle. It was /Solomon who truly finished off Sauron/Satan and destroyed his power by taking the Ring of Power.


Of King Solomon the Quran says وَحُشِرَ لِسُلَيْمَانَ جُنُودُهُ مِنَ الْجِنِّ وَالْإِنسِ وَالطَّيْرِ فَهُمْ يُوزَعُونَ And gathered for Solomon were his soldiers of the jinn and men and birds, and they were in rows.


In ‘s Ring cycle Elindil aided by the angelic elf Gil-galad managed to slay Sauron, David with divine support managed to slay Goliath, who stands in for the Satan of humanity)/Dajjal in the Biblical story. Goliath is a stand-in representation of Sauron in the Holy Land.


In ‘s book Isildur cut off the of Power from ‘s hand, booty from a foe slain by his father Elendil, In Islamic lore Solomon’s Ring represents his power and hegemony over the realms of Man and Satan’s daemonic hidden empire (Jinn).


Solomon ruled over the dichotomy of the realms of Man and Djinn represents Dajjal aspect and the Shaytan aspect of forces of deception and evil. Solomon could protect humanity from both with his Ring of Power. David’s rule was only over the realm of Man, the realm the Dajjal


Tolkien’s Isildur gained the One Ring of power over all dominions including the Wraith world. We can translate this to the Quranic story where Solomon had power over the human world and the Jinn world where Satan dominated and seizes power over the realm of man from Satan/Sauron.

The jinn world is the hidden world of Sorcery and subterfuge. Solomon’s Ring represents control over that realm as well. David gained the world of man by fighting against Goliath (whom Sauron also represents) Solomon finished him off by taking away his power over the other realm.

The Quran clarifies Solomon’s power not as a power derived from sorcery, rather a power bestowed upon him from God over the realm of both Man and the Agents of Satan/Agents of Sauron. This video explains that realm.

Eventually Isildur dies and that power over both realms of Man’s deception and Sorcery, the power to hold the witchcraft of Sauron/Satan at bay was lost which allowed him to return. See of course the Witch-king of Angmar who serves Sauron as one of his agents.

This video in Arabic explains the Islamic account of King Solomon and his Ring, and his hegemony over both worlds. هل تعلم ما هو خاتم سليمان وكيف سخر الله الجن والريح للنبى سليمان وهل الخاتم موجود ام لا؟