Resources to Understand this Site

Listing the resources below don’t imply my or anyone’s endorsemet. But each contains information that may better help you understand what’s going on in this site, and better help you in your research to understand what Tolkien has encoded in his work. This list is partial, and more resources may be added in the future.


Tolkien and Lord of the Rings resources.

This site is Tolkien Gateway, a very large repository of information on his work.

This site is the Henneth AnnĂ»n Research Center, another massive source of information on Tolkien’s Middle Earth.


Resources on Khidr, the mysterious green wanderer, whose counterpart is Tolkien’s Gandalf the grey wanderer.

This is the Wikipedia article for Khidr.


Resources on the Quran

This site gives multiple English translations with the Arabic original text of the eighteenth chapter of the Quran, Surah Kahf, which is vital in understanding the end of days.

This is the Islamic city Quran search tool, which is very useful when you’re searching the Quran for words or concepts.


Islamic Prophecy Resources, including tribulations and signs of the last hour, the Mahdi, the Messiah Jesus and the antichrist (Dajjal).

This site has several pages quoting interesting Islamic prophecy source texts that are difficult to find in other English language sources.

This is the chapter of tribulations, or Kitab Al-Fitan, from the book of Abu Dawud.

This is the chapter of the promised deliver, or Kitab Al-Mahdi, also from the book of Abu Dawud.

This is the chapter of tribulations, or Kitab Al-Fitan, from the book of Muslim.

This is the book of tribulations or Kitab Al-Fitan for the book of Tirmidhi.


Information from Contemporary Muslim Scholars

This page is one contemporary scholar’s take on Imam Nu’aym ibn Hammad who wrote one of the earliest encyclopedia collections and prophecies about the end of days and tribulations, the Kitab Al-Fitan.

The same contemporary scholar has an interesting page in Syria and signs of the last hour.