The Islamic E.L.E (Extinction Level Event) and Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings

It is widely known by both Tolkien scholars and fans that he, as some have put it, “shamelessly borrowed” or appropriated from non-Christian sources in telling his story in Lord of the Rings and his tales of Middle-Earth.

What is not widely known because it has been deliberately ignored, is the most obvious and massive source he appropriated from, which are sources of Islamic lore and prophecy. Tolkien is not alone, modern researchers are just finally being able to acknowledge the massive degree to which some of the greatest authors in the West have appropriated from Islamic literature.But this realization threatens many people’s sense of identity.

As you’ve seen from the Twitter moments and articles at this site Tolkien massively borrowed from Islamic prophecy. This is not just in characters and places, but also events and chronology. Movements in space and time alike.

There is a timeline and chronology of events in Islamic prophecies (Nubuwat) concerning the end of days, going up to Armageddon (the Malhama Al-Kubra), and the major signs of the hour. There are ten major signs, and within them is an Extinction Level Event, or E. L. E. In the different prophetic reports (riwayat in Arabic), there are different casualty rates given with an upper end of nine out of every ten people.

Essentially the near extinction of the entire human race.

J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Ring cycle in its second and third age of Middle-Earth represents the actual history of humanity concentrated in the Middle East from distant antiquity through the age of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, up to our age.

In Tolkien’s chronology and timeline of the third age of Middle-Earth are correspondences and parallels to the chronology and timeline of the Imam Mahdi and the Dajjal, as contained in Islamic prophetic narratives and reports.

In Tolkien’s cycle this timeline is leading up to the apocalyptic battle against the Dark Lord Sauron at the end of the third age with, as we have seen over the last couple of weeks, the return of the Messiah in the form of Aragorn, and the coming out of the Mahdi in the form of Frodo.

The chronology of Tolkien is a mystery within a mystery for he has encoded, deciphered or encrypted in a sense, very real dates of human history as well as dates that he calculated from Islamic prophecy. Just as his geography, as we will soon see if time permits, is partially encrypted but represents a very real nations, states, and regions at various periods of time in history, so too is chronology is encrypted or encoded.

One of you out there who may be a specialist or expert in token studies Islamic studies and prophecy may be able to figure out what Tolkien believed that he did figure out, which was the date of the Extinction Level Event is clearly mentioned in several prophecies and Islamic works. As you read this site and the Twitter feed did take it on yourself to read about Tolkien’s timeline and chronologies, from various wiki and fansites, and also to aid your journey if you cannot read Arabic tried to get an idea from various YouTube videos and websites out there. None of which I endorse but you need to listen to all words and just take from them the best, and leave the rest.

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