Gondor is the Homeland of the Arab Tribes of Ishmael

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Tolkien In his appropriation of the Mahdi story in his Lord of the Rings cycle Tolkien replaces the Hejaz in western Arabia, the homeland of the Blessed Prophetic lineage of Prophet Muhammad, with Gondor, which is home of the Royal lineage of the white tree.


Examine this map of Middle Earth.
Now, Examine this map of Greater Arabia in the Middle East.


Gondor is Tolkien’s name for the famous province of Hejaz/western Arabia, in Middle Earth he even puts it west of Mordor/Nejd/Riyadh-(Hejaz in Arabia is west of Nejd).


This is the White Tree of Gondor, it symbolizes the blessed lineage of the High Kings of Man, through the progeny of Isildur, a lineage that survived the cataclysm that befell Numenor, in Tolkien’s mythos..


This is the the Blessed Shajara/Tree, representing the blessed lineage of the Prophets, the Nabis as they are called in High Classical Arabic as well as other Arabian dialects descending from Arabic, like Hebrew and Aramaic. The Prophetic lineage survived the many cataclysms of antiquity to the time of the Prophet Muhammad.


Tolkien replaced Hejaz/western Arabia for Gondor in his LotR and just like Gondor is the home of the Royal lineage of the White Tree in the city of Minas Tirith , so too is Hejaz the home of the blessed prophetic genealogical tree of Ismael and his progeny the Prophet Muhammad.


The White Tree/House of Ishmael and Muhammad by the end of the third age (end of LotR) is withered and dying, nothing is left but a tiny leaf representing the last descendant of Ishmael/ Muhammad – The Awaited Mahdi/Frodo.


At : 29 Gandalf explains that they still guard the tree because of the hope that it will flower again *The Mahdi will come* the last of the blessed progeny of Prophet Muhammad.


At :43 Tolkien celebrates the glorious past of the prophetic house of Muhammad, and then says that after that instead of planning for the future they spent all their time glorifying the past as many Muslims do today. Like the Sufis interminable glorification of dead saints.